Going Away to Uni? What Does The Colour of Sheets Say About You?

It's back to school time and many soon-to-be uni students are on the hunt for sheets to fit on their college beds. In addition to getting the right size, it's also important to pick the right colour. The colour of your sheets says something about you, and you’ll be meeting a lot of new people at school. Getting the right shade for your personality can help you establish your identity on campus.


Aubergine is an adventurous colour, full of intrigue and depth. This shade is the perfect fit for many art students, drama students and musicians. We recommend aubergine sheets in any room decorated with earthy, neutral-coloured decor, because aubergine has a fun energy that accents neutral shades with clashing.


Curry, a colour that resembles turmeric in its warmth, hue and vibrancy, is a colour for students who want to stand out. Curry looks best in rooms decorated with warm tones like earth brown and brick. We recommend curry for chemistry students because the vibrancy of this colour is just right for those who believe in the power of catalysts, energy and chemical reactions. 


Ghostly and mysterious, this colour is perfectly, serenely blank. Chalk is a good shade for students who like everything to be clean, tidy and in its place. Students who prefer white often study no-nonsense fields like finance, where numbers are king and the potential for success is great. 

Earth Brown

If you like meditation, organic foods and yoga, earth brown is the colour for you. This practical, traditional, soulful colour is as old as the world itself. People who love earth brown tend to feel an idealistic, keen sense of duty toward others. Earth brown is a good shade for students studying environmental sciences and medicine. 

Indigo Blue

Indigo blue is the favourite colour of passionate people who love sports, athletic endeavors, dancing and physical activity. People who love this rich, dark shade of blue often feel all their emotions wholly and completely, without reservation. If you're steeped in school spirit and ready to fight for your team, indigo blue is the colour for you.  

Black Olive

Black olive is the preferred colour for students who plan to spend the years at university reading moody poetry, sleeping through daytime classes and staying up late asking philosophical questions. This bold colour is for students who prefer to ponder mysteries, ask hard questions and find the answers in old books.

Lead Grey

Powerful and modern, this colour is preferred by students who want to rule the world someday. Planning to become a politician? Want to be the leader of a major international company? We know you'll love our lead grey linen sheets.

Contact toiflkerschbaum

At toiflkerschbaum, we have all the colours just right for your college bed. If you’re leaving for university in the fall, we offer a selection of handmade linen sheets, made to order, guaranteed to fit. Linen sheets are soft, durable and dust-resistant, so you'll sleep comfortably in your days and nights at university. Contact us now to get your handmade linen sheets in time for your school start date.